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Spooktacular Halloween Activities for Kids

If you're in charge of planning the Halloween party for school, you'll love these Halloween activities for kids... and maybe even for the adults to join in on as well!

So whether you are planning a preschool party or need something for tweens and teens, these games are perfect for all ages.

Halloween school ideas

We here at VidDay think they are the best Halloween activities for students! We think they are the best Halloween activities for students! Itā€™s spooky season, so letā€™s get into it!

Costume Day

We'll get the obvious one out of the way. Have all your students wear their Halloween costumes during school time.

Halloween school ideas

You should inform parents ahead of time to let their kids wear their costumes during school. This way, no one will be left out!

Plus, what could be cuter than a bunch of little ghosts going away at his maths during the day? Or a bunch of goblins running around during recess?

Costume Parade

Have all of your students from your classroom parade around to other classes showing off their costumes.

Your class can go around from classroom to classroom, even get them to show off their costumes to the administrative offices.

It's an excellent way to let your students in the class show off their costumes, all while having fun.

Halloween Candies Guessing Game

Guess how many Halloween candies there are! You need to fill a jar with Halloween candy and have kids guess how many pieces are in the jar.

Halloween school ideas

The winner either guesses correctly or is closest to the correct number and can take home the jar ā€” after sharing a piece with everyone else, of course.

The best part for you is that you don't need to count them before putting them into the jar. Instead, you can make the game last longer by letting your students count how many were in the jar!

Halloween Feel Box

This is a popular game to play at a Halloween party, so you can bring it into the classroom as your students will love it! It's pretty easy to set up this game.

Grab some boxes, which can be tissue boxes or boxes that you received packages in. Cover the boxes in some Halloween-inspired paper. Cut a hole in the top and fill it with items that the students will have to feel. It can be slimy (use cooked pasta) or something squishy (use slim).

Have all of your students try to guess what's in each box!

Scary Story Writing

If you need some Halloween-inspired lessons, we've got one for you! Give your students a creative writing lesson, start them off with a spooky prompt and have them finish the story.

Halloween school ideas

It can be as scary or as silly as the student wants ā€” it is up to them.

Here Are Some Halloween Themed Prompts to Try

  • The scariest sound in the world is the sound of footsteps on dried leaves. I remember whenā€¦

  • I remember last Halloween when there wasā€¦

  • The sound of [Mr/Mrs. your name] laugh sent shivers down my spineā€¦

  • Make sure not to smile at the black cat in the alleyway, because if you doā€¦

Pass It on Ghost Story

We all remember the game "telephone." Well, this is like telephone made for spooky season. First, get all of your students sitting around in a circle. Now start the story for the students, then each student will add to the story, and so on.

Halloween school ideas

Then at the end of the circle, the last person will tell everyone in the class the story that they came up with! Your students will love this.

You can also keep this game similar to telephone. Tell the first student a spooky phrase or two, then let each student repeat it to everyone. See what comes out at the end of the line!

Wrap the Mummy

You can either make this a race or just have fun with it!

Separate your students into as many groups as you think would be best! Have one student from each group become the "mummy." The other students in the group will become the mummy wrappers! Have the mummy stand with their hands at their sides and their feet together.

Ready? Set? Go! Time for the students to wrap up the mummy from their feet to the top of their heads!

Although the toilet paper will tear from the roll, teams must continue wrapping. Be sure to have a camera ready to capture all the fun moments.

Monster Freeze Dance

In this traditional Halloween party game, participants dance to the music and then freeze when it turns off. Instead of calling it musical statues, we like to call it music scares!

Halloween school ideas

When the music stops, all your students must freeze into frightening poses. Use Halloween music such as the Monster Bash, Purple People Eater, or some spooky Halloween Sounds.

Pumpkin Carving Contest

And of course, there cannot be a Halloween activity list for your students without a pumpkin decorating contest.

Halloween school ideas

Have each class carve/decorate a pumpkin and then judge the winner for each grade! Or separate your class into groups and have each group carve/decorate a pumpkin.

Depending on the ages of your students, you may need to help them if you decide to carve the pumpkin. Or, you can always choose not to and just have the student decorate the pumpkins with craft supplies.

A Halloween Party with VidDay

And of course, Don't forget to document the spooky day. Bring in your phone to capture pictures of all the costumes and pumpkins. Take videos of the parades and musical scares. Then upload the videos and photos into a VidDay so that you can send the video to all the parents, so they know how much of a spooky day their kids had.

Halloween school ideas

Covid Hack: if your students are at a distance, have everyone upload photos or videos of them all dressed up in their costumes. Simply create a VidDay account, and send all your student parents a link for them to upload their kid in the costume. Then during class, you can all watch the VidDay video together to see what everyone is dressed up as!

Creating a VidDay of all your 2021 Halloween adventures is fun and easy to do.

Check out our ultimate school video-making guide to learn how!

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